15 July 2009

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17 June 2009

Adopted For Life

I finally finished my book. It was amazing. It was about Adoption, and about the gospel, it was a reminder of God's character and faithfulness. It was a higher calling to Christians and the church, and it was about orphans and how once adopted they become sons forever.

The last chapter made me cry. Not because I felt bad or thought I needed to rescue a baby... it was because I was reminded of God's faithfulness, and how it's easy to think we've been forgotten when He's in the middle of answering our prayers- we just don't know it yet.
Here, Author Russel D. Moore talks about his son's birthday:

"I also wonder what I was doing that day. My old calendar from that
year shows that I was working on my doctoral dissertation . . . I probably
walked to my favorite coffee shop and ordered the regular. I was probably
also feeling sorry for myself. I don't need a calendar to tell me that, I
felt that way every day then.

I'd prayed every morning and every night for children. I would have
done so that day too, with a desperate whine to my voice. I didn't know
that day that my prayers had been answered, in a way beyond all I could ask or
even think"

Adoption intrigues me, and I have no idea if it's something the Lord has for our family, but the whole concept of adoption finally hit home after reading this book- I was reminded that even now, there is something happening that I don't get to be a part of until later, and it's already an answer to longstanding prayers.

He is faithful.